MiCROTEC - Selco: Innovating Remanufactured Western Red Cedar with Goldeneye

Selco: Innovating Remanufactured Western Red Cedar with Goldeneye

Selco, a state-of-the-art remanufacturing facility and division of Terminal Forest Products, stands as a testament to innovation in engineered wood processing. Located in Everson Washington, USA, Selco has been a part of Terminal Forest Products since 1991, and installed MiCROTEC’s Goldeneye in 2023. Selco specializes in remanufactured Western Red Cedar clear and finished final products like paneling and decking.
Selco: Innovating Remanufactured Western Red Cedar with Goldeneye


United States



Innovating with Goldeneye

MiCROTEC’s Goldeneye lineal quality scanner combines lasers, cameras, x-ray technology, and proprietary MiCROTEC Ai to deliver precision in identifying wood features and defects. The Goldeneye solution optimizes production by automating quality control and increasing yield. “We needed the Goldeneye system for accuracy because we’re trying to be as efficient as possible to keep up in the industry,” says Scott Sherman, Production Manager at Selco. “MiCROTEC was the number one choice.”

Pioneering New Applications

Originally, Selco implemented Goldeneye to optimize production of high-value, clear finger-jointed products. By sorting shop-grade lumber, the system removed knots and defects to produce clear blocks, a lucrative product in the industry. Selco soon realized the potential for broader applications.

A significant challenge in the industry is finding utility for wide, knotty boards. Recognizing the opportunity for aesthetic sub-type defects and recovery, Selco collaborated with the MiCROTEC team to utilize Goldeneye’s technology in a new way. The shift allowed Selco to process higher concentrations of knotty products into finger-jointed boards. The innovation expanded Selco’s product offerings while reducing waste.

We started using Goldeneye and decided to work with MiCROTEC’s techs to fine-tune other products that weren’t in the original plans,” recalls Sherman. Through Goldeneye’s offline simulation tool, the MiCROTEC and Selco teams developed the new application with minimal downtime. The simulation tool allowed the Selco team to capture a pack of boards, and rerun them under new parameters, simulating the outcome virtually before putting it into action on the line. “Efficiency is the name of the game, and there’s not as much wood as there used to be. The smaller the block you can use, the more you can get out of a tree. Sometimes I ask MiCROTEC things that I know are impossible, but I want to know how far the system can go. And sometimes it surprises me. It’s like we’re growing together.” Sherman says, highlighting the importance of making the most out of every piece of wood and the innovative collaboration utilizing the technology in Goldeneye.

»Efficiency is the name of the game, and there’s not as much wood as there used to be. The smaller the block you can use, the more you can get out of a tree. Sometimes I ask MiCROTEC things that I know are impossible, but I want to know how far the system can go. And sometimes it surprises me. It’s like we’re growing together.«

Scott Sherman

Production Manager, Selco

Thanks to the advanced capabilities of MiCROTEC’s Goldeneye and Selco’s ingenuity, Terminal Forest Products continues to set new standards in the industry. For mills considering their first optimizer, Sherman offers, “If you’ve never had an optimizer before, don’t be scared of it. It’s easy to use, and there’s always going to be someone there to answer your questions.”