CT Log Solution for HIT Torgau

HIT Holzindustrie Torgau upgrades and optimizes its production site and is ready to install the latest high-speed Computer Tomograph, CT Log
After ten years of development, this is the fifth Microtec flagship scanner to be installed.
HIT Holzindustrie Torgau optimizes its production with CT Log, the high-tech solution for saw-infeed and saw-line made by Microtec, Brixen, Italy. Large Cone-Beam technology, developed by Microtec, allows for the first time a complete digital reconstruction of the internal characteristics of a log. The CT Log scanner captures all defects and quality features before the breakdown of the log. CT Log enables a perfect sawing pattern optimization, allowing evaluation of all sawing combinations that fit the quality of the final products. The optimization software determines the sawing pattern which has the highest added value and the requirements of the final product are controlled in real time according to current production requirements.
In this specific project the CT Log Computed Tomograph is equipped with the Logeye “Fingerprint” system for the recognition of each log and to determine the correct angle. The system recognizes each log reliably any time later on the sawing line, allowing full access of the original CT Log scan information for sawing optimization.
The software tool Maxicut supports the sawing optimization. This solution maximizes the added value of the sawing patterns by examining all the possible combinations of the activate product lists.
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