Goldeneye 900 for optimum yield

After installing a CT Log for their large diameter log mill, this spring German company Holzindustrie Torgau installed a Goldeneye 900 transverse scanner to sort out the best boards
At HIT, aside of several saw lines for small diameter logs (Linck and HewSaw), in 2014 the construction works began for a large diameter log mill which today has a CT Log computer tomographic scanner integrated in its production line. Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology, nowadays it is possible to make precise cuts through metal containing logs, as well as to saw and obtain high-quality lumber for window lamellas and knot-free side boards from logs with poor quality. With the help of the CT scanner, the logs are digitally reconstructed. All log internal defects are evaluated before the breakdown. In order to elaborate this information properly, HIT relies on a flexible reducer band saw provided by EWD.
By means of a fingerprint of the density profile, a Logeye 300 scanner recognizes every log as well as its exact position in front of the saw line. Most planks are sent to the final breakdown and trimmed to board products with chipper, band saw and profiling machines.
Deliberately produced quality boards coming from the CT Log/EWD line as well as those produced randomly from the Linck smallwood line are sent to the same sorter mill. In order to sort the best boards out of both lines, this spring a Goldeneye 900 transverse scanner was installed in the sorter mill. The quality scanner provided by MiCROTEC precisely analyzes the boards’ surface from all four sides.
Installing the scanner was a great challenge. “We only had four days, since we wanted to avoid greater disturbances in the manufacturing process”, states product manager Jörn Rathke. The reconstruction at HIT saw mill has proven to be a highly successful project, also the subsequent installation and fine tuning in collaboration with MiCROTEC has left HIT satisfied. “Since we are operating in four shifts, it is very important that our plant is always operational because of that, MiCROTEC's 24/7 support hotline and remote plant monitoring and servicing is of high value for us”, explains plant manager Axel Creuzberger.