MiCROTEC Logeye Stereo on the road to success also in Africa

The MiCROTEC Logeye Stereo applies in the peeled veneer production at the Arbor Group
With its forestry partner, the Arbor Group harvests in one of the most important tropical eco-managed and certified forests in Gambon, central Africa. Located in Libreville, the “CPL” company (Companie des Placages de la Lowé) is specialized in the production of peeled Okoumé and other exotic wood veneers (sapele, movingui).
For MiCROTEC, these are the first installed scanners in Central Africa. Thanks to a great partnership with Group Arbor the first MiCROTEC Logeye Stereo was already installed in 2021. The Arbor Group has again chosen MiCROTEC’s measuring systems by recently ordering a second Logeye 900 Installation in 2022.
Both MiCROTEC Logeye Stereo measuring systems of the Arbor Group have been installed on a veneer production line, linked to a double-head centering device specially designed to adjust precisely both ends of the log. The log is first scanned on a 360° rotation, and the optimization calculates the setting of the axes for the optimum center point to have the best position after transferring into the peeling machine and to obtain the optimum yield. Since the scanning takes place at the beginning of the line, before loading into the machine, the log is already fully optimized and ready for peeling the instant it is dogged. Thus, the customer can save wood and adjust the peeling process with the veneer prediction. Increasing wood yields is for Group Arbor important for both environmental and economic aspects to maintain the production model possible.
This innovative technology also provides a very interesting measuring solution for the rotary-cutting industry.
Installation: Veneer – Peeling machine
Wood type: Okoumé
Log range diameter: 600mm - 1.500mm
Log length: 1.000mm – 3.200mm
Log surface: Debarked